
GAMAR with Round Plate

Gamar company is a Polish manufacturer of door handles, with which we have cooperated for many years. This category includes products for a variety of applications, handles used for panel doors in schools, kindergartens, offices wherever we are looking for a compromise between an attractive appearan ... More

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Description - GAMAR with Round Plate

Gamar company is a Polish manufacturer of door handles, with which we have cooperated for many years. This category includes products for a variety of applications, handles used for panel doors in schools, kindergartens, offices wherever we are looking for a compromise between an attractive appearance and a low attractive price. Powder-coated, highly durable coatings of handles, knobs and pulls guarantee many years of use. In practice, it turns out that it is the powder-coated coatings that fit well in many interiors, these are the designs we are used to, not very pretentious for that aesthetic and practical, as well as very durable. Handrails are ideal for wickets and can be used outdoors, maintaining resistance to weather conditions. In this group we can find products in many attractive colors, not only white, brown or black, but also handles lacquered in graphite or gold. the offer is complemented by shields and door plates for key, cylinder and toilet.