

The variety of offered spacing and innovative solutions. Jupiter model from the Polish AXA hardware manufacturer means high resistance to physical and chemical damage of materials. Ten-year warranty for the mechanism will surely make you believe that this is a product worth its price. Slightly curve ... More

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Description - JUPITER

The variety of offered spacing and innovative solutions. Jupiter model from the Polish AXA hardware manufacturer means high resistance to physical and chemical damage of materials. Ten-year warranty for the mechanism will surely make you believe that this is a product worth its price. Slightly curved, but still square escutcheons with security and handles are often chosen by customers. Slightly matt surface, which is more and more often used by Poles. A simple fastening system. In addition, it is equipped with a plate reinforcing the signboard. Patented FLEX system, which self-levels and protects the cylinder. Recommended for doors of any thickness, due to 6mm regulation. Unique and modern door handles, which you will find here with their appearance and functionality will delight many customers.