

Products from the Prolinea series from Mila Baltics are very popular among customers. An uncomplicated yet fresh form with ergonomic handles. Many different finishes of the handles, where each of them looks exceptionally solid and noble. Disc openings that fit into the majority of locks used in Euro ... More

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Description - Prolinea

Products from the Prolinea series from Mila Baltics are very popular among customers. An uncomplicated yet fresh form with ergonomic handles. Many different finishes of the handles, where each of them looks exceptionally solid and noble. Disc openings that fit into the majority of locks used in European doors. Minimalist handles are equipped with integrated spring support, which improves the closing and opening functionality. This avoids sagging of the handle, which significantly affects the aesthetics of the room. Prolinea handles have a variable handle side, which makes them suitable for left and right handed doors. Tested in a salt spray chamber for rust resistance. UKAS has confirmed the reliability of the products from Mila Baltics - they can withstand more than 50,000 cycles under considerable load. Some models on the outer side of the door have a rotating safety device to prevent the cylinder from being drilled through. The manufacturer guarantees dedicated, strong fixing screws included.