

An unprecedented combination of key cuts thanks to which you can unlock all the doors in the building with just one key. Master Key systems from Wolf are the safest and best way to combat the mismanagement of keys in large buildings. You can rest assured that an ordinary user's key is authorized to ... More

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Description - Wilka

An unprecedented combination of key cuts thanks to which you can unlock all the doors in the building with just one key. Master Key systems from Wolf are the safest and best way to combat the mismanagement of keys in large buildings. You can rest assured that an ordinary user's key is authorized to open only the doors to which the owner has given him access. All system data is stored and protected by Wolf. Choose several cylinders with the lengths, accessories and security features you are interested in. Among our selections, you can find surface lock cylinders, electronic handles and inserts, top and cassette locks, and padlocks. STR system cylinders are equipped with additional stainless steel drill pins and the key profile is included to prevent break-ins by vibration. A well-designed cylinder allows for quick and easy key insertion.