
With Oblong Plate

Such products as door handles with elongated sign are an integral part of our offer. The ones we present to you were produced by Infinity, which has been operating in the hardware industry for many years, offering its customers newer and better solutions. Models are characterized by an interesting f ... More

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Description - With Oblong Plate

Such products as door handles with elongated sign are an integral part of our offer. The ones we present to you were produced by Infinity, which has been operating in the hardware industry for many years, offering its customers newer and better solutions. Models are characterized by an interesting finish, are equipped with a spring that supports the operation, extremely functional and look great in our rooms. You can choose from a variety of color options, including Satin or Patina. For those of you who are interested in purchasing our products, we recommend that you visit our store and familiarize yourself with its contents.