Porthole Door

Taking care of the best possible furnishings for our store and the satisfaction of our customers, we try to adapt individual products to the needs of new users on an ongoing basis. The following offer includes window hooks, swing hooks, key hangers and door portholes, i.e. circular glass panes place ... More

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Description - Porthole Door

Taking care of the best possible furnishings for our store and the satisfaction of our customers, we try to adapt individual products to the needs of new users on an ongoing basis. The following offer includes window hooks, swing hooks, key hangers and door portholes, i.e. circular glass panes placed in the door, increasing the aesthetics of the door and allowing light into the room. We recommend portholes with inset or pasted glass, frosted and clear, whose diameter is 320 mm. Detailed descriptions of groups and models can be found later in the offer.